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Zinovy Khokhlov
Zinovy Khokhlov

Consoles Aren’t Selling Because The Next-gen Is Coming 'LINK'

The PlayStation 5 will receive a number of notable first-party games in 2022. Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok will no doubt be system sellers and rank among the highest-selling games on the system. But like Spider-Man: Miles Morales, they will also be available on PS4. They are not true next-gen experiences. It may be some time before PS5 receives a bonafide must-own blockbuster system exclusive.

Consoles aren’t selling because the next-gen is coming

If 4K is such a huge jump from 1080p and gaming hardware is still not completely ready for it, then why have consoles and games been marketed, advertised, and sold to consumers as 4K consoles and 4K games? The answer is complicated because the resolution of modern games is much more complicated than the resolution of games historically.

However, consoles such as PS5 and Series X aren't far along into their lifespans, so many might argue that as developers get more comfortable with developing for these consoles, game performance, image quality, and even graphical fidelity will improve. In the past, this was usually true, but the PS5/Series X generation of consoles may well work differently.

This is a huge change for gamers who have spent decades expecting bigger, prettier, more ambitious games to target 30FPS and expecting faster-paced, action-heavy games to trade resolution and graphical fidelity for framerate and target 60FPS. With the next-gen consoles, though, today you almost don't ever have to play a game at 30FPS, regardless of the game.

However, this trend isn't just a function of the next-gen consoles being much more powerful than their predecessors, it often comes down to the fact that most PS5/Series X games out today were developed when developers were making cross-gen games and were still new to the hardware.

As a result, last-gen tech that also has to run on significantly weaker machines is a lot easier to run at higher framerates on next-gen consoles, especially when these games usually aren't true 4K games. But years later, developers are more familiar with PS5/Series X hardware, and cross-gen games are becoming less common.

But even if graphical fidelity improves further to offer a generational leap, selling 30FPS games that usually won't run at true 4K can feel a lot less next-gen when PS4 Pro and Xbox One X also ran mostly-4K games at 30FPS years and years ago.

There are three major components of a game's visual presentation: graphics technology, framerate, and resolution. Currently, games on next-gen consoles often sacrifice native 4K resolution and the very latest in graphics technology in exchange for 60FPS.

In mid-November, after months of anticipation, next-gen PlayStation and Xbox consoles arrived to much fanfare: The Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5, pictured above, are the flagship models of each company's latest game systems.

That same situation applied to major multiplatform games like "Assassin's Creed Valhalla," "NBA 2K21," and "Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War," which launched on the current generation of game consoles as well as next-gen.

In short: It's likely to be a few years before third-party game makers are able to take advantage of next-gen PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and it wouldn't hurt to hold off on buying either box for the time being.

Where exactly will the consoles come from? Mostly from Hong Kong and Taiwan, but also from Japan, the US and other territories. It's hard to say as there is no clear authority tracking imported games and consoles sold in China -- simply because it would be virtually impossible to track, considering its not-legal-but-nobody-really-cares status.

Ampere Analysis data suggests next-gen console sales aren't going any faster than the previous generation so far, despite Microsoft and Sony both proclaiming they had the best launch ever for Xbox and PlayStation consoles, respectively.

It has been over two months since Sony's PlayStation 5 and Microsoft's Xbox Series S/X officially hit store shelves, and both consoles still remain nearly impossible to find at major retailers. In light of these shortages, many would-be next-gen gamers have focused their ire on scalpers. These opportunistic resellers buy new systems the minute they become available at retail (often with the help of automated bots) with the intent to immediately list them for a significant markup on eBay or other third-party sales sites.

Self-described Oracle Data Engineer Michael Driscoll has done the legwork here, using Python scripts to scrape eBay and StockX for every successful listing selling a PS5 or an Xbox Series S/X. His analyses of these resale markets provide a fascinating deep dive into the details of secondhand console sales, and we recommend reading them in full. But the headline numbers suggest that roughly 146,000 PS5 consoles (and about 110,000 Xbox Series S/X consoles) have been sold on those two resale clearinghouses since the systems launched in November.

Next on the list is GameStop, one of the most popular retail options for buying and selling video games and consoles, and a mainstay of the early 2000s. But just like Blockbuster and other relics of the past, there are far better options now that will get you more for your used tech.

The reason they're ditching is more likely the fact the only reason we had mid-generation updates is because for the last few generations of Microsoft/Sony consoles they've been underpowered at release and failed to live up to promises of things like 1080p@60 and 4k@60, so half w

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margin: 8px 0;/* reset existing applied css with !important. Shouldn't be applied for AMP*/#tweet-output display: none !important;.tweet-outer-container display: block !important;overflow-wrap: anywhere;.tweet-outer-container div width: auto;float: none !important;.tweet-outer-container img background: transparent !important;.tweet-outer-container a text-decoration: none !important;overflow: hidden;.tweet-body-container .tweet-body color: #0f1419 !important;cursor: text !important;.tweet-body a:hover text-decoration: underline !important;.tweet-images-container overflow: hidden !important;.tweet-user-image width: 36px !important;height: 36px !important;.twitter-play width: 60px !important;.yt-aspect-ratio-container position: relative;display: block;.yt-aspect-ratio-container iframe position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;border-radius: 4px;In the latest generation of console wars, Sony pulled ahead quickly and never looked back. The PS4 is currently the best selling system of this era, with twice as many units sold as the Microsoft's Xbox One.


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