Don’t you love seeing holiday family photos that are perfectly posed with matching pajamas or pretty dresses? No one knows the backstory of what it takes to coordinate schedules, outfits, and smiles. There has to be an easier way to send out your holiday pictorial cheer.
I remember being a new mommy of lots a little kids and thinking that I would never be able to grab pictures of my family. Over many years, we have been creative in finding ways to get our holiday photo to family and friends. Remember that some of the best stories can be told by showing pictures of the bloopers and blunders too. We all know that it can take 20 pictures to get just one good picture. Here are some of the James family bloopers while on a chilly beach photo-shoot.
So, here’s my last-minute holiday photo ideas that do not require a professional photographer.
Use a photo you already have and add fancy borders
Since we live in a social media world, grab your favorite photo from Instagram or Facebook, and put it in a fancy holiday card.
Send a digital photo greeting card
Instead of a simple holiday text, add your smiling faces in a digital picture to connect with your family and friends.
Use a filter to share your favorite photos
Glamour filters are everywhere, so use one and save yourself time on the glamour. It's an easy way to look your best.
Use a wall in your home
Use a cluttered free simple background in your house as your holiday backdrop. Simplicity puts the focus on the people in the picture and not the background.
Use simple outdoor scenery
An outdoor location has the best lighting. It is a sure way to have a natural setting.
Use portrait setting and blur your background
If you want to pretend you are a great photographer, use your smartphone to blur the background of the picture. This special effect makes cleaning up the background not necessary.
Get creative with Canva, Pic Collage, or some other App
Tons of photo and design apps can help you look like a pro. So pick one and create a design like a professional.
Design and print your work using Shutterfly, Walmart, or CVS
There are ways to design, preview, and print your work to mail to family and friends. Shutterfly, Walmart, or CVS are your new best friends for getting the job done.
No matter what you decide to do with your holiday photos, remember the best part of your family photo is the family. Ultimately your friends and family want to see your smiling face. So keep-it-simple and grab that family photo. The best news is that you can add the words Happy New Year, and you are still within the holiday photo-sharing window of fun.